Different Areas of Specialization

1. Mammograms: this x-ray type produces images of breast tissue. This screening is especially valuable because it can identify tumors that are not noticeable or felt. Mammograms can identify deposits of calcium which is a possible identifier of breast cancer. It is specific to women who have found no signs of breast cancer and have no idea if they carry the cancer. Mammograms are essentially important because they can detect cancer before it has spread too far. Facts show that mammograms help reduce the number of deaths for women 40-75 years old.

Mammograms were invented by a German scientist, Albert Salomon. However the modern mammograms have only been in existence since the 1960s. Due to science the mammogram has advanced and changed drastically from the 1960s to today.

2. Magnetic Resonance Imaging: this imaging uses resonance of a magnetic field and radio waves to formulate intricate images of the inside of your body, tissues and organs. This type of x-ray imaging is usually used to determine internal damage that may have occurred because of a car accident or some other dangerous incident.

This concept may be somewhat difficult to understand since it involves extensive science and chemistry to take an MRI image. This video below gives a brief but easy to understand explanation of how MRI’s work and a little of the chemistry behind the magic. It even explains what an MRI image looks like and how you can read one



3. Sonogramssonograms use ultrasound waves to take images of objects inside the human body. We usually see this happen for pregnant woman who get ultrasounds to see the fetus of their unborn baby. The sonogram produces ultrasound waves that bounce off organs and tissues inside of the body, which then the machine uses to create and calculate and image. A transducer is used to send the wave across the body part of interest. Sometimes a jelly is applied before the transducer is set upon the body part to enhance the waves and make for easy movement. It also helps create a clearer ultrasound image.


An example of an ultrasound image

An example of an ultrasound image

  4. CT (Computed Tomography) Scan: this scan is specifically used to see the soft tissues inside of the body. It produces a cross sectional picture of the bones and soft tissues in the body. A CT scan can take pictures of  the liver, pancreas, intestines, kidney, bladder, lungs, heart and adrenal glands.  This type of x-ray image can also see bones, blood vessels, and the spinal cord. The CT machine is shaped like a large “o” in which a table slides through the center. a contrast material or “dye” can sometimes be used to see specific areas of the body better.  This dye can either be injected into the specific area or sometimes drunk.

This is a whole body CT scan

This is a whole body CT scan